This is a website for Florida’s Dermatologists and their patients. It helps promote excellence in in dermatologic care, ensure the highest standards for dermatologic practice and medical education, and enhance the quality and availability of dermatologic health care.

During these hard economic times the FSDDS was looking for ways to cut costs, one of the ways they did this was by transfering from a technology management company called Leadingstar to my services. The transition accured in August 2009 and I have been providing technology services for the FSDDS ever since. These services include the website, databases, and email for the society.

Transfering the website domain was not easy, the domain was registered under multiple people and it took a long time to track down the information necessary to transfer the domain name registration. I also had to create a new MySQL database from their exisiting membership data. I then had to configure the “Find a Dermatologist” feature on the website to work with the new members database.

Just recently we finished a project to implement a eCommerce online method of payment for membership dues and fees. With the help of InternetSecure I developed a simple system for members to pay their dues online.