This is a website for my uncle’s printing business in Spain. It is designed by Ricardo. an artist and PhD in Spain who is one of my father’s good friends. However, I am the one converting it all into an actual webpage. The purpose of this website is to offer a new service for my uncle’s business, which is an online system for customers to upload their work for printing.
I started work on it at the end of June 2008 and it was finished in January 2009. Here are the features that I have built into this new system.
The system is secured by a login page which requires a username and password. One important new feature is the online registration. It works a lot like every other online registration; it has email conformation, and stores all customer information in the MySQL database.
This is the main page of the system. As you can see its setup to be similar to a wizard with four steps and continue buttons. As you go through the steps you input the order details, upload a file, and then a final summary page conclude the process. There is also buttons to logout, update registration, and view current orders.
There is a back end to the system for administrators (people who work at AKL), they can view and manipulate all the tables in the database through the browser. These tables include: the orders, uploaded files, and registered customers. There is also email messages built into every critical step of the system: registration, new orders, and completed orders.